Our collaborators

Being in good company is always a good asset.

We are fine being “judged” on who we collaborate with to offer our clients the best service. Egner Consult might not be a very large small entity, but we also cooperate with leading insurance companies.

Insurance partners

In the field of insurance coverage, and depending on the product, we work exclusively with renowned insurance companies such as:

  • DkV Seguros España
  • AXA seguros
  • Allianz Seguros
  • Aegon
  • ARAG España
  • Hiscox
  • Mapfre
  • Sanitas
  • IDEAL Versichering
  • Reale
  • Swiss Life
  • Generali


Collaborating partners

In Spain we have been collaborating for some years with Javier Cuesta Castillo (lawyer and certified broker). His knowledge and expertise allowed Egner Consult to concentrate more and more on the consulting and working on an international base.

Working together with his father and his brother, as well lawyer and tax adviser, we are able to offer a wide range of services related to insurance topics in 4 languages (Spanish, Catalan, English and German).

Javier Cuesta Castillo, Corredor d’assegurances

German partner

ESK Cityfinanz GmbH
Hebelstr. 11

60318 Frankfurt


For our Spanish and/or international as well as for our German clients working and living in both countries we built up a cooperation with Elke Scholz-Krause in Frankfurt.

Running her own business, she has been working for many years as certified corporate Pension Advisor all over Germany and is our number one contact concerning all insurance topics in Germany and pension insurances for Germans living abroad.

At least twice a year we also invite clients and interested people to our workshops on insurance topics and pension insurances in Spain.